In any given week, upward of 2,000 refugees crowd local shelters and rooming houses or simply roam the streets in Brownsville and other south Texas towns.
His eyes simply roamed over the students, without really connecting with any of them.
Were you out upon some errand for your master or simply roaming around loose?
Not sure of what she was looking for, Laurie simply roamed from room to room, surveying the scene.
In others, they simply roamed Upper Manhattan looking for likely targets on the streets.
We can't simply roam around in the hopes they won't find us.
"But you can't simply roam around Antioch on your own, alone."
You simply roam around, safe in the knowledge that round each corner there will be something to please.
Spends a lot of time simply roaming the ship.
So soothing is the place, they simply roam among its smorgasbord of items, fantasizing about the perfect compartmentalized closet, the perfectly organized spice rack.