Simply save all the places you want to visit to your favourites list and they'll be ready to view at the touch of the screen.
Clearly there was more to this than simply saving Cato's skin.
"In which case, they would have gotten around to having me disposed of anyway, so I am simply saving time."
The potential benefits might go beyond simply saving money.
Instead of simply saving gas when you buy a hybrid, you're giving somebody else the right to use it.
Before seed production became a science and an industry, people simply saved the seeds from their plants to use the following year.
And Cedric-why had he not simply saved her from death?
Adams brushed off their decision, saying that it would simply save him the time in having to refuse them.
He credits community support and a theme larger than simply saving a bridge.
It is a simple step that will quite simply save millions of children's lives.