Right now, they'll simply settle for a lineup with anyone who's healthy.
Did it (or they) settle simply to make the suit go away, or was there something more?
But for now, it simply settled on the boy like a soft draping of mist, and pulled all the wrong things into itself.
In case of a complete power failure, the train would simply settle gradually back down onto its wheels.
Had the computer industry simply settled on a standard, the diskette would have died out years ago.
The Soviet Union was simply settling a score from 1980.
I simply settled in and took up where he'd left off.
Thus, it makes sense to do some research on microwave ovens before simply settling for the least expensive model.
They simply settled down, wriggled their roots into the soil, and remained.
But if these birds are simply settling again in the same spot, I would suspect the former explanation.