Later refinements to the Model 1895 design led to the Model 1899, later simply shortened to the Model 99.
However, some users simply shortened the chassis and removed one axle, effectively creating a more powerful version of the Matador.
The term is often simply shortened to 'tea', essentially indicating a break.
The tempo does not change, the horse simply shortens and elevates his stride.
His experiments produced instead the first synthetic aniline dye, a purple shade called mauveine, shortened simply to mauve.
Whatever shortened any natural process, he said, simply shortened life itself.
A prototype carbine was created by simply shortening the existing barrel, forearm, and magazine tube of the Mle 1886 rifle.
Reichstagsgebäude, the specific German word for Parliamentary buildings, often simply shortened to Reichstag.
They also have Intramurals, simply shortened to Intrams, which is a contest of sports and cheer dances.