So I simply stretched my definition of special occasions and explored my neighborhood barber shops a little more closely.
Simply stretch the material across the back of the unit, fixing it to the wooden frame with wide-headed nails.
If there is not much light, they simply stretch farther looking for sunbeams.
No problem walking - the skirt simply stretches to accommodate a stride.
The sphincter is separated either by simply stretching or cutting.
She is simply stretching a new set of muscles, as good playwrights must.
In reality, financial aid simply stretches far higher up the income ladder than before.
When she reached the point where she could simply stretch no farther, her puckered kiss-me lips were still a good four inches from the glass.
She didn't bother to answer in words; she simply stretched both arms out at shoulder height, pointing toward him.
As the burr travels forward, the wall simply stretches a bit and deflects the diamond bits.