I'm simply warning you,' he said in a moment, 'that you could be driving yourself into a dead end.
Without addressing more specifically the relationships among these sectors, the statement appears to be simply warning against an overemphasis on any one of them.
I was simply warning you I don't need you.
I wonder if he was advocating moving away from technological advances, or simply warning us to be very careful with our discoveries.
I'm simply warning you that you're heading in an unhealthy direction.
They simply warned people to stay clear.
Question: What do you say to suggestions made by the court that had it been any other man you would have simply warned them?
At an otherwise jubilant unveiling of the budget agreement, the mayor warned simply that "good times aren't going to be here forever."
The airlines, rather than figuring out if one exists, simply warn everybody.
I was simply warning them of the potential consequences of their behavior.