Forty-five simulated flights have shown that the aircraft will rise and fall like a roller coaster, with peaks occurring every minute or so.
On Earth, Pixar routinely takes satellite data and makes moving, three-dimensional computer images of what simulated flight over mountains or other terrain.
One option would be requiring repair or replacement of key components before a plane had flown half the simulated flights.
When investigators input this descent rate into a flight simulator, the simulated flight initially did not crash.
The technicians are doing a simulated flight on the avionics right now.
Computer glitches prompted the agency to cut short the mission at the Johnson Space Center before the simulated flight was completed.
In order to establish an approximate altitude for the flight, several simulated flights were conducted in a similar helicopter.
In the past two or three years, however, the sessions, particularly those that tape the simulated flights, have impressed most pilots.
A general decrease in group collective time from the outbound phase to the return phase of the simulated flight to Mars was identified.
Airplane simulators are using artificial intelligence in order to process the data taken from simulated flights.