As mentioned above, backlight transmission was measured at 36 percent, and simulations indicated that this could reach 56 percent with design improvements.
There is as yet no way to build such a bearing, but the simulation indicates the structure should be stable if it can be built.
The simulations indicated that a milewide solid asteroid could shatter into several pieces if hit by a house-sized object, but still hold together.
It's spreading, although about thirteen percent slower than the simulations indicated.
However, recent simulations indicate that planets are just as likely to form around binary star systems as single-star systems.
As I've said, we can't guarantee results, though our tests and simulations indicate a high probability of success.
A successful simulation indicates that the result is found to be meaningfully similar to how people process speech.
The simulation indicated such a rogue wave could almost completely submerge the bow or stern of the ship with water, at least temporarily.
The planet's powerful gravitational force then threw the rubble into chaotic paths, the simulations indicate.
These simulations indicate the potential for large tsunami runup heights along this section of coast.