A friendship with the beautiful and deeply apologetic passenger, Nina Harris (Amanda Peet), develops, and before long Marty is having simultaneous affairs with two women named Nina.
He retreats to Central America, where he finds himself re-enacting former mistakes, including simultaneous affairs with two women.
Lelyveld says the New York Times decided not to pursue 1993 allegations of numerous simultaneous affairs--made by four Arkansas state troopers who guarded then-Gov.
However, she does not seem to reciprocate his infatuation and carries on simultaneous affairs with other men, including Aubrey.
For many years Beckford was believed to have conducted a simultaneous affair with his cousin Peter's wife Louisa Pitt (c.1755-1791).
The three simultaneous "affairs" she has in the course of the novel are all secret, and all with members of her own gender: two with older women and one with a classmate.
At some point in 1868, Sullivan started a simultaneous (and secret) affair with Louise (1841-1878).
But in the early 1990's, he started simultaneous sexual affairs with two congregants he had helped convert to Judaism.
"Having simultaneous affairs with a sluzhba general and a Politburo godfather."
He then began to have a simultaneous affair with her mother, Marian Colby.