This represents the stunning triumph of secularization in Western Europe - the simultaneous decline of both Protestantism and its unique work ethic.
But as the Phillies improved the quality of baseball life in Philadelphia, there was a simultaneous decline in the fortunes of the A's - in the team, in the owner, and in the ballpark.
The simultaneous and prolonged decline in domestic consumption and international trade in finished industrial goods and building supplies put a stop to residential and institutional construction for a decade.
The rise of philanthrojournalism, and the simultaneous decline of mainstream media, suggest it will one day become the dominant model of news media.
Caution should also be kept against assumptions of general simultaneous decline in impaling, for widely different types of perceived crime.
The populist denominations' growth coincided with the simultaneous decline of the mainline bodies.
"One of the first signs that we're coming out of recession," he said, "is a rise in commodity prices and a simultaneous decline in bond prices."
The simultaneous decline of the North American auto industry with its many factories in the region, due to an increasing inability to compete with Asian auto manufacturers was accelerated by the increasing price of gasoline, which discouraged consumers from purchasing new cars.
Shortly after Mr. Greenspan described as a "conundrum" the simultaneous decline in long-term yields and climb in short-term ones, bond traders took notice, said Edward Yardeni, chief investment strategist at Oak Associates.
It is not enough to mention the environmental troubles of Europe's cities, as you have done, without tackling the underlying cause: the disproportionate increase in private transport, partly fuelled by incentives to the car industry, and the simultaneous decline of public transport.