A legendary liminal being is a legendary creature that combines two distinct states of simultaneous existence within one physical body.
It develops the concept of pe'le (wonder), which refers to the paradox caused by God's and the universe's simultaneous existence.
Such hysteria does not preclude the simultaneous existence of genuine childhood sexual abuse, which is certainly ubiquitous.
Marx focuses on the dynamic implications of the conflicting principles which the simultaneous existence of the two institutions, family and descent group, implies.
The second stage of totemism is noted by a simultaneous double existence of identical identities.
The simultaneous existence of past and future is obviously meant to create a barbed, melancholy sense of how time devours hopes and lives.
"They don't like calling the cops because they'll get in trouble," James said, citing a concern as old as the simultaneous existence of multiple generations.
They imply human diversity and the simultaneous existence of different kinds of time.
This resulted in half a decade of the simultaneous existence of two khans supported by opposing Mongol clans.
The simultaneous existence of such different frames can have social and political consequences, which brings us back to the cover headline for the Magazine on May 29.