Asserting that a Soviet troop pullout would leave it open to attack from the United States, Cuba today demanded a simultaneous withdrawal of American forces at a naval base on the island.
Thus, the proposal advanced by Mr. Botha today appeared to have as its goal the virtually simultaneous withdrawal of South Africans from Namibia and Cubans from Angola within 10 months.
However, Pakistan proposed simultaneous withdrawal of all troops followed by a plebiscite under international auspices, which India rejected.
May 14 President Nixon calls for the simultaneous withdrawal of American and North Vietnamese forces from the South.
And little is known about how millions of smokers, forced into simultaneous withdrawal, would cope.
Tim, I strongly believe we need a simultaneous withdrawal of the Serbian aggressive forces, have a stopping of the bombing, and an insertion of international police-keeping force.
The Shevardnadze outline included an understanding that Germany, and eventually all of Europe, would be denuclearized and calls for simultaneous phased withdrawals of American and Soviet troops from Germany.
Reports on Dec. 17 suggested that Algerian proposals for the simultaneous withdrawal of US and Iraqi troops had encountered Saudi reluctance and growing Iraqi inflexibility.
The simultaneous withdrawal of the state from regulative intervention in labour matters clearly advantaged employers and it is hard to deny that all this amounted to class legislation.
It said the Iraqi President failed to mention a simultaneous withdrawal of troops and the repatriation of prisoners, Iran's major demands for progress in the talks.