That may explain why Baghdad is pursuing apparently contradictory aims, seeking to convince the world that it is committed to disarmament while simultaneously demonstrating its military prowess.
They address important policy issues, and they simultaneously demonstrate how different analytical strategies can deal scientifically with issues of overall country institutions in comparative cross-country analyses.
The various forces previously met and developed strategies, such as demonstrating in different parts of Cairo simultaneously, before marching on Tahrir Square, to avoid a concentration of security forces.
By agreeing, the King was simultaneously demonstrating to the Commons his contempt for their sensibilities and removing Mohun from their jurisdiction (since they could not arrest a peer).
By incorporating photographs into artwork, artists are able to trigger the viewer's memory of the event being portrayed while simultaneously demonstrating their artistic talent and providing a new perspective.
It is impossible to empirically demonstrate both phenomena simultaneously.
She portrays a controlling and protective older sister for younger Radha, while simultaneously demonstrating a highly glamorous and desirable personality herself.
Convergence is the ability of the eye to simultaneously demonstrate inward movement of both eyes toward each other.
Affected individuals may simultaneously demonstrate a rich, elaborate and exclusively internal fantasy world, although this is often more suggestive of schizotypal personality disorder.
My personal highpoint was the aching rendition of Hotel Mauna Kea by the Photomixers, demonstrating simultaneously pathos, humour, and even a little musical talent.