It has the contradictory role of carrying out unpopular Security Council resolutions (sanctions, interventions) while simultaneously distributing developmental and humanitarian aid through its agencies.
The diaphragm simultaneously distributes the vertical prestressing forces uniformly to the new concrete structural wall and the existing tower's concrete.
SIAC simultaneously distributes, via IP Multicast, trade and quote information to the CTS and CQS subscribers from both sites.
Blotto games (or Colonel Blotto games, or "Divide a Dollar" games) constitute a class of two-person zero-sum games in which the players are tasked to simultaneously distribute limited resources over several objects (or battlefields).
The papers explain that the deal exemplifies the virtues of vertical integration, nicely defined by the WP as "the ability to produce entertainment and simultaneously distribute it."
For example, in the film Thunderball it simultaneously distributes Red Chinese narcotics in the United States, kills a defector to the USSR on behalf of the French Foreign Ministry, and blackmails NATO with stolen nuclear weapons.
At the time of the Purple Violets release, most studios were not distributing via iTunes early in the process and only Walt Disney Studios, which was the first movie studio to distribute via iTunes, was distributing at iTunes simultaneously with DVD distribution.
The album's release was marred by legal controversy, with two record companies, Reprise and MGM, claiming ownership of the recording and simultaneously distributing the album (with different cover artwork as illustrated, but essentially identical content) for several months in 1970.
On his daily route, the milkman simultaneously distributes the full bottles and collects the empty bottles.