This bargain would simultaneously expand the alliance's strategic horizon geographically and find new ways to share responsibilities and burdens.
A removable appliance is used to simultaneously expand (laterally) and advance (forward) the upper front teeth.
Sam now likes to spend time alone to watch the movie simultaneously expand the mind.
The idea that your palate and your vocabulary expand simultaneously might sound felicitous, but there is a catch.
Hybrid courts became a "middle ground for supporting community decision-making while simultaneously expanding the authority and reach of the state."
UAVs have saved numerous lives by putting fewer personnel at risk, while simultaneously expanding the capabilities of our military forces worldwide.
When the financing window is there, a lot of people expand simultaneously.
During his time in his role, the club actually became one of the most financially stable, while simultaneously expanding their global appeal.
The preprocessor simultaneously expands macros and, in the 1999 version of the C standard, handles operators.
There is a potential tension to be overcome here; ensuring that a service remains locally rooted, whilst simultaneously expanding the scope of coverage nationally.