Then they perfect a method for keeping people sexually vigorous into their nineties, they will simultaneously extend the lifespan to a hundred and fifty.
The arc of Mr. Roberts's growth has also showed ways a pianist can broaden his foundations and simultaneously extend his ideas.
The newspaper was relaunched in D2 format after that, adopted a new slogan ("Making Izvestia [i.e., reports] from the news"), and extended simultaneously its business coverage.
This complete extension at the interphalangeal joint is not possible, or considerably more difficult, with the carpal, carpometacarpal, and metacarpophalangeal joints simultaneously extended.
He turned down an offer of citizenship from the French Republic, extended simultaneously to him and to the Czech writer Milan Kundera.
In short, the "Khamsa" paintings are hybrids that simultaneously extend and break tradition, much as Akbar himself did.
The announcement came as Gitano's banks simultaneously extended the company's lines of credit for two years.
He activated the thrusters, simultaneously extending a manipulator arm from the pod to grab the floating body.
Schoenberg was widely known early in his career for his success in simultaneously extending the traditionally opposed German Romantic styles of Brahms and Wagner.