There is no way in which both sides can improve simultaneously.
He continued to work on the same research project, while also simultaneously improving his methods of recording coincidence of blood pressure and ICP.
As a result Egyptian power greatly declined while US-Saudi relations were simultaneously improving.
It shows how traditional building forms and settlement structures can be preserved while simultaneously improving their energy efficiency and ecobalance.
Sebastian's soul and the prose that tracks its enlargement seem to improve simultaneously.
But the good news is that time and deliberate action can simultaneously improve your financial situation and release you from the grip of stress.
With this approach, the original specification for passband and stopband can be kept while simultaneously improving the impedance matching.
Although cover crops are normally used to serve one of the above discussed purposes, they often simultaneously improve farm habitat for wildlife.
Thus employment and the quality of life both improve simultaneously.
A similar event occurred over a longer time scale (millions of years) when the minds and brains of our ancestors simultaneously improved very rapidly.