"You might argue that the common thread is the leveraged investors who invest their capital around the world, and often sell simultaneously in all the markets."
Under its most simplistic definition, arbitrage is nothing more than buying low in one market while simultaneously selling high in another.
John Cleghorn, the bank's chairman, says there are opportunities to simultaneously sell brokerage, insurance and banking services in the United States.
Since most manufacturers sell through several channels simultaneously, channels sometimes find themselves competing to reach the same set of customers.
Reliant revoked the sale after disclosing that it had bought power from another company while simultaneously selling the same amount back to the other company.
The investor then buys the cheaper of the two while simultaneously selling the more expensive.
The heavy selling depressed the prices of index futures, creating opportunities for program traders to buy the futures and simultaneously sell the underlying stocks.
"Buying at 20 and simultaneously selling at 20 1/8 just doesn't happen much - the markets are too volatile."
We made our decision to sell simultaneously with hundreds of other Long Islanders immediately after the October stock market crash.
Similarly, a bunch of funds at the bottom of the rankings may be selling simultaneously.