And the strangest thing is that except for two small sins of omission committed nearly 350 years ago, none of it might have happened.
If one person in a village commits a sin, those who witness it and do not stop him will also be punished by God.
The naming of faults has an extra phrase: "sins committed".
It's not so much the sins committed, the transgressions flagrantly enjoyed, but the getting away with it that's the shocker.
He'd lost his ship, the most terrible sin any captain could commit, and he'd done it for nothing.
In the prayer of forgiveness, the priests asks of God to forgive the sins committed.
The Book of Concord calls blasphemy "the greatest sin that can be outwardly committed".
It is here the Admiral committed his greatest sin, one which he would pay for with the lives of his men and his own.
It is believed that sins committed knowingly or unknowingly will be purged of with a single bath.
Have all the sins been committed by olive producers?