An hour had gone by since his first attempt at the tape-and his breakdown.
It has now been 16 days since the company's last attempt to patch, and Microsoft has still not released a new fix.
He applied again six months later and was successful, despite minimal growth since his first attempt at joining the company.
It had been 6 years 362 days since my last successful attempt to fish bass during the herring run.
Since his first attempt to stop me was foiled he has tried again.
It had been several months since their initial attempt at having a child had ended in tragedy.
He hadn't said a word since his last attempt to bamboozle the androids who had brought them more bread and water.
Since our open attempt on the mountain-pass our plight has become more desperate, I fear.
Since your ruined attempt to be here we have not adopted a new resolution on the subject, but we have held many debates.
Since Barbicane's attempt, nothing seemed impossible to the Americans.