I haven't seen anyone like you since my brother Auric.
I've been looking at rocks since, I don't know, my big brother used to take me when I was just a kid.
Christmas was nice but bittersweet; for the first time since my brother was born, there were only three of us.
It has been a year since William's brother David went missing.
He knows it's been ingrained since birth-protect your little brother.
Just let me tell you some of the stuff that's happened since your brother died.
By then, it was 17 years since I had graduated, 15 since my brother had, but she wanted the world to know.
Since then her brother Nazar has been her writing partner.
Katsumi, Naoki's sister hasn't been able to speak since her brother murdered the girl.
"But a friend, I presume, since you and your brother brought him here?"