Since the radical movement of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese government has become much more tolerant with the practice of traditional beliefs.
Since the environmental movement of the 1970s, the nature of environmental issues has changed.
Since the Hawaiian movement the Missionaries continued to lose elections for the legislature.
Beethoven would be surprised to learn that this key does not exist, since the third movement of his Op.
But I have seen much of them and clearly, since the movement, more.
But he had not prayed once since the movement.
Since the movement I have fought with the band of Pablo.
Since the movement of railroads in the city underground, the station has since become an emergency station.
Since the movement restarted in 2004, it has been taken over by Iraqis and is now run exclusively by them.
Twenty-two states have made English their official language, most since the English-only movement gained force in the mid-1980's.