They have been eligible for, and received, Social Security benefits since the program began.
Since the program listed everyone's degrees and advisers, I looked them up.
Some 29.3 percent of all claims, over $1.9 billion, have been paid to steelworkers, more than any other industry, since the program started in 1975.
We could find no scientists, black or white, who challenged that conclusion; none have come forward since the program aired.
Since the program started in 1988, the cars have traveled to more than 175 cities.
The Pentagon has spent $13 billion on antimissile research since the program started in 1983.
The Bulls were shut out for the first time since the program started in 1997.
Some of the accounts have already matured since the program opened in May 2001.
And there have been drastic changes since the program started in September.
The judge can overrule the jury, but none have since the program was started last year.