Woods hasn't won a tournament since the revelation of his marital infidelities in 2009, and he recently withdrew from The Players Championship.
Tom is finally reinstated to field duty alongside Diana, after spending the time since the revelation of the "future people" working at a desk as punishment for threatening Lytell.
They had all been transformed inwardly since the revelation of their identity, but outwardly each was crippled in appearance and capability and bore the weight of their imprisonment like chains.
As a consequence, the group's attacks since the revelation have generally been dubbed state terrorism.
But he had a strong distrust of the squire, since the revelation of his character made by his friend Mr. Morton.
At the scholarly level the affair has been conducted impeccably since the revelation of the whereabouts of the treasures.
The ratings denoted a further decline since the revelation of Laura Palmer's killer in "Episode 14", which attracted 17.2 million viewers.
Since the revelation of the low return rate, Dr. Bryant has run daily afternoon staff meetings, trying to pinpoint the cause.
Valentin seemed to have shrunk in the moments since the revelation of his true nature.