This was a little more than a month since the white woman had died right in front of my eyes.
He had not personally made a kill since the last woman he'd taken as the Black Bird, several months ago.
Its a week since the woman, a student at Somerville College in Oxford, was raped.
Since the poor old woman told us that the French were on the sea and landed at Killala.
Cesca told him where he would find Speaker Okiah, since the old woman needed to hear the news before gossip and horrific rumors reached her.
Seeing him made Sharina feel calmer than she had since the woman ran into the palace screaming that something had happened to her boy.
Especially since the woman added her demands as well.
However, the case was dismissed since the woman reporting it did not consider herself personally insulted.
A classic gambit since the first woman in the garden, but still unanswerable.
Killa found the medic's fidgets amusing since the woman had always seemed so self confident.