Young Koreans are volunteering to share their sincere friendship via the internet with those interested in their nation.
The sort of antipathy which formerly they had entertained for each other had given place to a sincere friendship.
Though accident had never permitted their being much together, He entertained for her a sincere friendship and attachment.
Poulakas' wife, used to refer only to a sincere friendship and appreciation among the two artists.
You couldn't have such a long-running and successful feud as we did, without having a deep and sincere friendship at the heart of it.
For Shayleigh, the trip was both a debt repaid and an act of sincere friendship.
What right had he, a despicable crook, to further prey upon the sincere friendship of this girl and her father?
Monck's personal relations with Cromwell were those of sincere friendship on both sides.
It must not be forgotten that reason too needs to be sustained in all its searching by trusting dialogue and sincere friendship.
Certainly there was now sincere friendship and a deep sympathy of ideas and emotions.