He said those four countries were sincerely committed to a negotiated settlement of guerrilla conflicts in the region.
Not even Mr. Kahane is permitted to be sincerely committed to his own twisted ideology.
But the poll found most people doubting that President Clinton and Congress were sincerely committed to overhauling the system.
While the Kennedy administration appeared sincerely committed to passing the bill, it was not clear that it had the votes in Congress to do it.
The fun is not unalloyed, however, because the playwright is sincerely committed to his dark take on the corruption and despoilment of America.
She was sincerely committed, not only to domestic policy and to the world, but also to European cooperation.
Japan is sincerely committed to researching whales' dietary habits and nutrition status, as well as the shift in whale populations by age over time.
He was a sincerely committed professional leader and a dedicated Member of our Board.
He was a generous philanthropist who was sincerely committed to helping the hospital and its patients.
He's sincerely committed to doing good.