He sincerely desired to be buried next to his friend Kephart near Bryson City, North Carolina, but was instead buried in Asheville's Riverside Cemetery.
Students and administrators who sincerely desire to make changes that would reduce the assault on women on campus should consider that to do this will require profound, and not merely cosmetic, social change.
If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state.
So I can make you believe that I sincerely desire to summon the stork with you, but I can't make you believe that you want to summon the stork with me.
"Tell me what you truly wish to do, Sara," he said gently, "and if you sincerely desire to sail to Portugal and be married, then I'll not be standing in your way."
"I warn you again," the druid cried, sincerely desiring no battle.
"I sincerely desire that there is never another such incident, my youngcapitaine ."
The Guild is a fellowship of those who sincerely desire to offer the best in music to the service of the church, both amateur and professional musicians being unified in a common ideal.
Tell me, now, do you sincerely desire to rid yourself of this Golden Touch?
He has addressed dozens of gatherings of Israelis, of the political right as well as the left, to persuade them that Palestinians sincerely desire peace with Israel.