There may be sincerely held differences concerning the level of acceptable risk.
His belief in your guilt is sincerely held; yet allow me to say that I have never for a moment doubted your innocence.
The audience is so large that all sincerely held beliefs become part of an enormous play script.
She seemed to have such endless resources of anger, so many obviously right, sincerely held opinions.
They are sincerely held beliefs, no doubt - and just possibly might even be "true" - but they are of no weight.
At the same time, we understand Senator DeConcini's concerns, which are sincerely and strongly held.
Religious discrimination policies protect all individuals "who have sincerely held religious, ethical or moral beliefs".
It also fails to account for the apparently sincerely held ideological beliefs of the wartime period.
But now she understood that, as narrow and baseless as she knew his beliefs about childhood development to be, they were sincerely held.
Sincere individuals with sincerely held beliefs can accommodate one another in the best interests of the state and our children.