Like the aftermath of a battle, he thought, and shuddered suddenly, his thin sinewy body covered in goose-pimples.
He chose to be outside, stroking his way to a sinewy body.
They are reminiscent of sinewy, muscular bodies and droopy male sexual organs, among other things.
Beside the pool his sinewy body held up a mask that drew their eyes and appalled them.
She kept her sinewy body in shape by miles of everyday walking.
A sinewy, muscular body is what the culture prizes practically above all else in the modern woman.
When he stood or walked his sinewy body was held in a military posture, very erect.
Ssssaaa's sinewy black body was there even as the pod fell short of their target.
Faun continued to- ward them, tiny face intense, sinewy body taut.
The steel would chafe his lean, angular, sinewy body raw.