Some blame the sinful behavior of the citizenry and cite divine retribution; others believe that civil society will soon restore itself.
Either sexually promiscuous themselves, or employers of prostitutes, the alewife was frequently associated with sinful behavior.
It is a view, he said, that tends to mitigate sinful behavior.
He regularly decried sinful behavior in the marketplace in the best tradition of central bankers.
The Bible says that sinners who are forgiven should try to live a new life and not go back to their sinful behaviour.
The church viewed imprisonment, usually in isolation, as an instrument that would modify sinful or disruptive behavior.
The sermon talks about God being angry with people for sinful behavior, and throwing them into the fires of Hell as a punishment.
She made him see that his justifications for sinful and self-indulgent behavior were pitifully flimsy.
The lyrics accused black ministers of engaging in and fomenting sinful behavior.