Martin Thompson sings Alfredo with an agreeable tenor.
Marcello Giordani, who sang Alfredo, has done variable work since his Met debut last season as Rodolfo.
He has since returned again to Central City Opera to sing Ottavio (2006) and Alfredo (2007).
In 2006 he sang Alfredo again in his first performances with both the Nevada Opera and Utah Opera.
In 1948 he sang Alfredo in La traviata opposite Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
Alfredo Kraus sang Alfredo, and, now well into his 60's, he hangs firmly onto plausibility.
The tenor John Bellemer, who sang Alfredo, has a sweet voice and his English diction was excellent.
Most of it came from Anthony Daino, the tenor who sang Alfredo.
The tenor Bruce Sledge sings Alfredo.
Sigmund Cowan sings Alfredo's well-meaning but fatally interfering father.