St. Elisabeth's choir comprises adults and children and sings a wide repertoire of choral music to a high standard.
A spinto soprano, Bakočević sang a wide repertoire that encompassed works from the 17th through the 20th century.
He sang a wide repertoire besides opera, and performed in more than 30 countries.
Otello became his most famous operatic role but he sang a wide repertoire.
There he sang a broad repertoire, but drew particular acclaim as a Verdi baritone.
The choir sings a challenging repertoire from early plainsong to the work of contemporary composers.
In 1945 he became a member of the Vienna State Opera, where he sang a wide repertoire for the next two decades.
Robyn has continued to sing a wide-ranging repertoire and in 2008/2009 gave a series of concerts including iprotest!
He sang a varied repertoire there through 1955, after which his career was largely based in Europe until his death at the age of fifty.
Homer sang a varied repertoire at the Met which encompassed parts from a variety of musical periods and languages.