The choir sings regularly at services in the abbey church at Neresheim and also makes appearances outside the monastery.
The day the Florians converted, their three children joined them at the altar, and went on to sing or play music at services.
He can't help his habits formed over all those years living with monks who weren't allowed to speak, only pray out loud and sing at services.
Since 1992, there has been also a choir of girls who sing at several services a week.
The children's choir sings at services once a month.
On old 78 r.p.m. records, his granddaughter could hear the religious songs he sang at services.
The St. Peter's Singers, a mixed adult voluntary choir who rehearse once a month, sing at occasional services and festivals.
He wrote many motets which were probably sung at services as well.
The choir sings at the weekly Sung Eucharist and at choral services on major feasts during the week.
The church choir sings at the main Sunday morning service each week, at choral evensong each month, and at occasional special services.