She taught me the song later, and showed me how to control my voice, open my mouth wide and sing loud or sing softly.
It really was a revelation to me that people could sing so loud and make those kinds of sounds.
He couldn't sing loud and had forgotten most of the Gaelic song, but he sang anyway, with mud plastered over his eyes.
They signed the register and the organ played 'Abide With Me' while the congregation sang loud and lusty.
This song now Ralph sang loud and sweet, though he were now a thrall in an alien land:
It is nearly impossible to tell whether he is singing loud or soft, high or low; there is never visible strain or tightening in his throat.
If the singer's roustabout voice suggests a lifetime spent on the road, he needs to refine his vocal dynamics (everything is sung medium loud) and to develop looser, more improvisatory phrasing.
The author, a longtime writer for GQ, recognizes the degree to which Lee's minimalism was a vocal innovation - she never sang loud or drew out a note for very long.
All they have to do is sing loud and kick high.
All the birds sang loud and sweetly.