Her husband, a Presbyterian minister, has sung spirituals.
Dressed in period costume, the members of this family group are to talk about black history and sing spirituals.
Now and then, apparently without thinking of religious implications, she sang hymns or spirituals in her full throaty contralto.
And then I broke out, 'Why is it that you people always expect black singers to sing spirituals?'
They were singing Bach and other classical music as well as black spirituals.
On Friday nights, I encourage everyone to sing spirituals.
At Spelman, they can sing spirituals in their own voices without feeling like outsiders.
At the age of five she joined her sisters to sing spirituals, regularly appearing on Newark radio shows.
He sang spirituals in the glee club, wrote poetry, and demonstrated a talent for languages.
"There ought to be something in there granting us the right to sit in front of the cabin at night and sing spirituals."