The swirling noise and wild improvisation, set against Matsuzaki's very singable and often cheerful melodies, created a musical tension that remains one of Deerhoof's hallmarks.
Tosti is remembered for his light, expressive songs, which are characterized by natural, singable melodies and sweet sentimentality.
Any hint of history - a tonal chord, a singable melody - was to be avoided; some even thought that the New Music would have to be exclusively electronic.
Cesti's great gift was for melody: sensuous and eminently singable.
(His love for singable melodies caused him as a young man to rebel against his composition teacher, Darius Milhaud.)
I did extensive research and developed a plot that has elements of classical Verdi-esque opera, including recitative and what I hope are a lot of singable melodies.
This album is an extension of Maiden Voyage in terms of use of simple, singable melodies.
As interesting and moving as the stories are, his musical compositions leave the listener with a strong, memorable and very singable melody.
Relentlessly singable melodies reinforce the message that longing brings people together rather than driving them apart.
This broad spectrum allowed me to write a piece that has some dissonance in it, but also contains one very singable melody after another.