In the "cry," singers chant songs from evening until dawn over the course of one or more nights.
To either side of the Iconostasis is a kliros, from which the singers chant the service.
That she certainly is: she writes music of a startling sort that may require singers to wail, cackle, chant, croon, hoot or moan.
His modern trappings aside, Mr. Ashley has a medieval turn of mind; it's no wonder the singers are chanting.
Barney boasts that he had a group of local monks record it, after Ted notices that the singers are chanting the word "bro."
In one song, the singer chanted, "Let's make the United States of America first again."
The lead singer, or caller, would chant to his crew, for example, to realign a rail to a certain position.
The crowd surged every time a singer chanted the refrain "Cumbia-a-a!"
"God is great", chanted the singer in Urdu.
Some singer, faint in the distance, chanted a tale and softly plucked a lyre.