Her projected image overlooked the stage at Carnegie Hall on Thursday night, where five diverse singers gathered in her name.
For instance, musicians dancers and singers gathered together to become inspired through rumba.
Then he and the singers and Mr. Garben gathered in the control room and analyzed the results, deciding what patches to undertake.
The musical gatherings are the central event of the Urs, where disciples and singers gather around and sing passages from verses of the saints.
Each day, nearly 3,000 singers, divided by voice range, have gathered in a vast ballroom, practicing new songs and swaying to the music like a huge ocean wave.
Far from letting herself be beaten, the singer gathered her team to write a new album at the beginning of 1990.
An orchestra, directed by Daniel Binelli, sat on a ledge above the stage, and singers both gathered with the instrumentalists and wandered among the dancers.
At the outset, singers gathered on street corners, and in subways, generally in groups of three to six.
Two hundred singers and dreamers gathered round it.