Nevertheless, his fame grew in all Andalusia, and singers from other towns travelled to Cádiz to hear him.
The prolific singer widely traveled in India and abroad.
The singer traveled the United States and performed at music festivals and state fairs.
The performer's rambling, disconnected, stream-of-consciousness style, presumably reflecting a fragmented life, suggests that the singer has not traveled beyond the dream at all.
Finally, the singer traveled to different countries from South America where she made diverse presentations.
These ten singers will travel to Calgary, where they will sing in the Performance Showdown on May 18.
The second verse names some of the states through which the listener and the singer would travel.
While the two singers may have traveled different roads to where they are today, they share many similarities beyond a commitment to charitable work.
More than 140 singers and orchestra musicians will travel to New York for the performances at the Martin Beck.
Once singers traveled at a slower place; they took ships, they rested.