From its early beginnings sometime in 1878 they moved forward to the formation of a new singing society.
In 1891, Rosenberg-Ružić went to Split, where he taught music and led the choir in the local "Croatian singing society".
The head of a musical publishing house joined them, bringing with him a journalist and the presi- dent of a German singing society.
He also joined, and got noticed, in the singing societies popular in Paris at that time.
The Delaware Sängerbund was founded in March 1853 by 16 German men as a singing society.
It claims to be "one of the oldest singing societies in the United States".
By the end of the century, more formal singing schools in cities like Savannah, Philadelphia and Boston become social singing societies.
He directed Polyhymnia - a singing society.
November 7 - America's oldest singing society is founded as the Stoughton Musical Society.
A Goguette was a singing society in France and Belgium, and its members were called goguettiers.