The Charlotte Symphony, for example, received the largest single grant last year, nearly $2 million, which was about 27 percent of its annual budget.
That is the largest single grant in corporate history, though it was his first grant since 1989.
The most venerable of these, Four Walls, is still in business (sort of) after eight years, without a single outside grant.
The donation was the biggest single grant in Lilly history and reflects the robust fortunes of foundations over the last several years.
"Every single grant was better than a random day for the period, a 1-in-16,384 occurrence."
The grant, to be paid over the next five years, is believed to be the largest single grant to support new American work, he said.
Should the several subsidies again be consolidated into a single grant, phased in to produce a larger total allowance?
Ms. Clark said the gift was probably the company's largest single grant to a nonprofit group.
The biggest single grant, $13 million, went to Deloitte & Touche.
The largest single grant was nearly $5 million to restore cuts to Medicaid programs.