This is a guy who did not have to deal with a single negative ad being run against him in the primary and general campaigns for the Senate.
Let's get specific and compare a marketer who had to make a single ad pay off with one who has the luxury of using Permission.
Post-testing is conducted after the advertising, either a single ad or an entire multimedia campaign has been run in-market.
Any single ad, commercial or promotion is not a summary of our strategy.
And do you have a different landing page for every single ad, every single offer?
Leagas won a gold award for the best single ad, for Mothercare, and four silvers.
I can pop into his blog without bumping into a single ad.
Sirius justifies the higher price by pointing out that there's not a single ad on any of its music stations.
Co-op brings together two or more companies in a single ad.
All of which was achieved after running a very modest campaign, with a single ad on television.