I should not have thought there were so many in the whole country as were brought together by that single advertisement.
I was perplexed, however, that there was not a single advertisement for clothes for mature men and women.
So an author can do a dozen or so cities for the price that many publications charge for a single advertisement.
To keep pages of articles from being cluttered by numerous ads, we often break them up into pieces and run a single large advertisement on each page.
Thumbing through the 100-page issue, he failed to find a single advertisement with a black or brown face.
Coca Cola was the program sponsor and a single advertisement was played at the end of each hour.
For one, creative teams are more likely to end up with an effective advertising campaign by focusing their resources on the development of a single advertisement.
Without so much as a single advertisement or press release, the combined store-restaurant attracted a mob of 25,000 people on its opening day in April.
An illustration of such activity is where record collections are promoted (usually around Christmas time) through a series of single simple advertisements.
By Wednesday the daily tally topped $75,000, all before the show has run a single advertisement.