The price shot up recently to the equivalent of nearly $63 from $45, and one market limited shoppers to a single 11-pound bag, she said.
She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag.
By the third season, the single bag of seed could generate almost 50,000 bags.
She had been packing her single bag, on the verge of leaving, when the police came.
We packed a single bag each; everything else would be left behind.
She departed the following day with a single bag and $38.50 in her purse.
I had a single bag with me, not much bigger than a telephone directory.
They may seem a lot, but in fact they fit easily into a single bag.
"It would have cost us £14 each way to check a single bag on this flight so we've saved £112 by using these."
It was amazing what she had been able to pack in her single bag.