He could not open his, eyes for more than a single blink; the poisonous water felt like acid when he did so.
But a light that can emit red, green or blue can impart the same information in a single blink.
Fix your eyes so you can look at him without a single blink.
That quick, single affirmative blink was her answer.
Nevertheless, The Shadow picked his path without a single blink of the flashlight.
When the fishing boats had sent their signals, they had received a single blink from Quilton's cave.
She stared at him without so much as a single blink.
A frosted bulb, stationed on the red circle, glimmered with a single blink.
Her single styptic blink told him he should have said something better.
On average, the duration of a single blink of the human eye is 0.3 seconds.