New York City is the largest single borrower in the municipal credit market.
Participation loans are loans made by multiple lenders to a single borrower.
Indeed, the company said that a large proportion of the problem loans were made to a single borrower.
Mr. Levine said the single borrower was a company, but declined to name it or provide other identifying information.
The section talks about loan limits to a single borrower, which are usually administrative in nature.
If enough investors helped a single borrower then all of their repayments could be covered.
How are groups of loans to a single borrower aggregated for the purposes of the $10 million threshold?
However, any loan that would cause the aggregate amount to exceed $10 million to a single borrower will be excluded.
Because numerous businesses borrow from them, they would be less vulnerable to the demands of any single borrower.
The investment is made entirely to a single borrower, usually on a single property.