Ships and a single chunk of Styrofoam have been the only evidence that humans still inhabit the earth.
Frix, reserve a single chunk for Skwee to display us his ability.
Two years ago, Maximus was the city's choice for the largest single chunk of its welfare-to-work contracts, worth about $104 million.
That's a massive single chunk of capacity that just fell off the grid and had to be made up elsewhere.
Maximus won $104 million, the largest single chunk.
But this was no ordinary opportunity: this was the single biggest chunk of stock in the company.
Since the airplane ticket eats the single biggest chunk out of most travel budgets, it's wise to spend a little time shopping around.
According to Miller (1956), who coined the term, a single chunk may contain a small or a large amount of information.
He had a more than 15 point advantage among the self-described moderates who made up almost 40 percent of the electorate, the single biggest chunk.
It encrypts data on a single chunk to provide for data confidentiality.