Four of those arms factories are controlled by a single international corporation.
It is acknowledged as the single corporation having the largest fleet in the world.
This limit is applied to all members of an affiliated group as if they were a single corporation.
"No single corporation can back out of the contract, it will take a majority vote."
As a result, all of the projects paid for by the bond act must have some general public good beyond helping a single corporation.
That business approach is now a common one, but at the time design and manufacturing of integrated circuits was done within a single corporation.
Some are financed by consortiums of companies; others serve a single corporation.
Following extensive consideration, a decision has now been taken not to establish a single corporation.
They have also been known to raise as much as $700,000 or more from employees at a single corporation during a campaign.
Aerospatiale, in particular, has been the partner most resistant to the idea of a single corporation.