Many consumers prefer to pay single fees as and when necessary.
A single fee is paid to the society.
Companies like these are full-service shops that will take care of visas, flights, etc. for a single fee.
Remortgage legal services available for a single fixed fee.
Under both House and Senate rules, a single fee cannot exceed $2,000.
For a line of credit, a borrower generally pays a single upfront fee, often about $250.
Wrap accounts, which provide advisory, reporting, investment and other services for a single fee, now total $114.5 billion, Cerulli estimates.
It would have been, after all, the largest single fee earned by any firm in the history of the state.
Within a few years this was changed to a single flat fee for entry, and the cards and readers were no longer used.
Corporate: the company pays a single annual fee which allows all employees to take advantage of Common's resources.